After a decade of being hunted and suffering through the complete disarray of the remaining Technocrats, a Progenitor (code-named Scramble) stumbled into a virtual meeting with a Virtual Adept (named ReE-LaId). The pair discussed, negotiated, and finally reached a point where they formed the Guild of Technology. Through ReE-LaId's contacts, all technologically adept mages (former Technocrats, Adepts, Etherics, and other who used technology) were brought together in a great Conclave. The mages forged themselves into a new organization, ratified a formal alliance with the shifter tribe Silicon Blaze, and set about utilizing their various specialties to build up the Resistance.
In the wake of the Sun's Return, the Guild's mission statement is simple: To renew the Earth; to replace old technologies with new, cleaner, better technologies that will raise the quality of life for all living beings; and to help create the planetary community that is necessary to maintain civilization in balance with its environment. In general, they do a good job of keeping to the Mission.
Within the Guild, there are several Workgroups:
World Health
Think Tank
Communications: These are the Net Walkers, the mages who deal with
computers, the network, and electronica in general. These mages tend
to spend a lot of time In Crystal -- meaning jacked in, walking the
former Digital Web, cybering, or whatever other term one might use --
where they've created a whole virtual world that they and others can
walk in.
Interface: These mages seek the smoothest interface between living
creature and machine that they can create. Biotechnology, wetware, and
cyberware are all within their bailiwick, as well as simple, good,
graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
Transportation: Explorers and engineers, these mages seek to improve
transportation technologies, as well as pioneer into new regions (or
old regions that have been cut off for a while). They help set up
salvage operations, build orbital stations, maintain undersea outposts,
lead search and rescue efforts... anything that requires a certain
amount of chutzpah.
World Health: Medical doctors and biology researchers, epidemiologists
and pharmaceutical biochemists, these mages work toward crushing
diseases, lengthening life, and other, more outlandish goals (cloning,
eternal youth, etc.) One favorite division of the public in this
workgroup is the "Samaritans," whose members have regular paths through
rural communities, dispensing vaccines and medications to the locals,
bringing updates to rural health care professionals, and rendering aid
wherever they can.
Materials: This workgroup researches and develops new materials
technologies according to improved durability and cleaner production.
They also specialize in removal and destruction of harmful materials
(radioactive waste, etc.)
Infrastructure: These mages succeed where the New World Order really
failed. They tear down remaining shreds of old infrastructure that
have been pasted together with baling wire and chewing gum, and
institute new, positive infrastructures that are far more eco-friendly
and helpful to the living beings who are supposed to benefit from them.
This is a very small workgroup, unfortunately.
Think Tank: These mages are the dreamers who concoct wild and crazy
designs that other mages can research and develop. They do nothing,
generally, except brainstorm.