The Lilith Auspices
Digger (full moon)
This is the community-builder, the person who
facilitates and organizes, who thinks in the long-term
rather than short-term. Where the Lunar full-moon is
the war-leader, this is the ultimate leader in times
of peace.
Artisan (gibbous moon)
Similar to the Galliard, the Artisan is an artist.
However, Lilith's gibbous child is a materials expert:
masons, woodworkers, architects, engineers, and smiths
are all possibilities for this auspice... any kind of
craftsperson. The scale is grander, the result
(generally) more practical than the Galliard's art.
The Artisan ingrains history in his every work,
lending it a staying power that oral history doesn't
always possess.
Hermit (half moon)
Every community needs its sage, seer, wise woman, or
madman: the loners who collect lore and interpret
signs. A teacher or a refuge, the hermit moves within
the community, but is eternally outside it.
Priest/ess (crescent moon)
The more religious aspects of life fall to the
Priest/ess. The Lilith crescent is the minister who
provides counseling, advice, and ways for the entire
community to interact with the spirits, as opposed to
the Lunar crescents who generally have a more personal
relationship with the spirits.
Anchor (new moon)
The Anchor is very much like the Hermit in that these
individuals move through the community but are not
exactly part of it. The Anchor is the watcher, the
guardian, the one who patrols the unsteady waters of
interpersonal dynamics, external influences, and
internal upheavals. For all her apparent
noninvolvement, the Anchor works closely with the
Digger, letting the leader know when something is
about to threaten the balance of what has been built:
heading off problems, investigating new influences,
and trouble-shooting when necessary.