After the passing of the Long Night, many Garou saw a need for a revision of the old ways, a way to unite all and forgive old harm. To this end, the Spiral Dancers created a new Litany for themselves and those whose dreams followed a similar path.
Preserve the Earth in all places and at all times.
Take no action that causes the Earth to be violated.
Combat the Corrupter where it dwells and breeds.
Respect all other beings -- all are Gaia's children.
Respect the territory of another.
Accept an honorable surrender.
Do not eat the flesh of those whose form you share, animal or human.
Earn the trust of those you lead; do not lead by threat and violence.
Note: Although many Garou of all the tribes respect this Litany, not all subscribe to the last rule. Many of Gaia's Sentinels also hold to the old Litany and traditions.