Who is Raul Arcadio?

Raul Arcadio strolls in silently, shoulders back, jaw lifted proudly.

*Hank is looking at you.*

From afar, Hank blinks. PID?
Long distance to Hank: Raul Arcadio grins.

Raul Arcadio
This man is tall and powerfully built, emitting strength in every gliding stride, in every turn of his muscular neck, in every flex of his scarred wrists. The evidence of hard living -- the scars, his torn ear -- is overwhelmed by the cool confidence of his manner and the simple elegance of his clothing: white turtleneck, gray blazer, gray trousers, and black loafers. His dark skin, hairless pate, and broad, almond-shaped eyes lend him an exotic look that goes beyond his not-quite-handsomeness to intrigue the casual observer. It is his deep, resonant voice that captures the more astute observer, a voice schooled carefully to precise enunciation even around the slight roll of a Spanish accent.

Hank is stretched out on a pew. he glances over as someone comes in.

Raul Arcadio smiles broadly at Hank. "Hello, there," he says in a deep basso flavored with a south of the border roll.

Hank blinks, seeing the stranger....then blinks again, eyebrows going up as he realizes who it is. "Pid?"

Raul Arcadio's grins broadens further and bows deeply, flourishing his hand. "Raul Arcadio del Rio Guitterez, at your service."

Hank whistles softly. "Look at YOU....."

Raul Arcadio stretches out his arms and does a turn. "You like? I just thought I would try... being a little more... romantic-looking." He smiles rakishly.

Hank grins. "Cool...."

Bailey wanders back upstairs, glass of water in his hand. He smiles on seeing his packmate. "Hey, Pid!" he chimes. "What's going on?"

*Bailey is looking at you.*

Raul Arcadio grins and bows to Bailey, then straightens and puts hands on hips. "I'm looking for a party where I can stun the humans. Any ideas?"

Bailey's eyes go wide at the change come over his packmate's appearance. "Wow," he says, almost breathless. "I'm impressed. Really. Pid, you really have the Rico Suave thing going. Way cool!" He blinks, and grins. "Sally told me earlier that she's throwing a little bash tonight."

Raul Arcadio raises one eyebrow. "That sounds like the place to be. It ought to be, how do you say, 'happening' by now, don't you think?"

Bailey just stares, stunned, at the Ahroun. "Yeah, I think it is. But...why? The change, I mean?"

Raul Arcadio shrugs eloquently. "It has been a long time since I worked hard at being... more than just a street bum. I wished to recall that I *could* do it if I so desired."

Bailey nods slowly, shocked. "Yeah, you certainly can. Um...what do we call you, then?"

Raul Arcadio bows, as he did to Hank moments before, with a flourish and a smile. "Raul Arcadio del Rio Guitterez."

Bailey grins. "Good to meet you, Raul."

Hank nods, grinning.

Raul Arcadio laughs, flashing a brilliant smile at Bailey and Hank both. He places his right hand on his flat belly and holds his left hand out to the side, and proceeds to do a few sexy, hip-swaying Latin dance steps. "So where should we find the party, my friends?"

Bailey mops his hair from in front of his eyes, still staring at Raul. "Well, like I said, Sally told me it was an open party at her apartment. That's all I know about, at the moment."

Hank hmmms. "Who's gonna be there, you know?"

Bailey shrugs. "Only three people I know who are there now are Sally, Salem, and this young woman named Sarah."

Raul Arcadio throws his hands in the air in a grand gesture, too careful and elegant to much recall his normal gestures as Pid. Even his nails have been manicured. "Who cares? La chica bonita is having a party, and Raul Arcadio will dance the night away, dazzling them all!"

*Elan is looking at you.*

Bailey nods slowly. "I'll say. When did you want to leave?" He mutters the next under his breath. "Like I'm gonna fucking miss /this./" the last is said in still-total shock.

Elan walks in, whistling, from the street. He closes the door and turns to his packmates...and stops for a second, sniffing.

Raul Arcadio turns his head, and brilliant smile, to the entering Elan. "Elan!" he says, stretching open his arms in a somewhat less expansive embrace-from-afar than usual. (Elan gets a faint whiff of... Drakkar Noir cologne.)

Elan blinks a bit.."Um, hi...Pid?"

Bailey is leaning on the edge of a pew, taken completely aback.

Raul Arcadio strikes a dramatic pose, hand on hip, other hand in the pocket of his slacks. "You bet," he says with a low chuckle.

Hank grins at Elan's reaction.

Elan just...stares, then looks to Hank and Bailey. He looks back to ... Pid, and then back to his other packmates. "And...there is this party, you guys wanna go to?"

Bailey looks at Elan, and nods. "I told you before. Sally's having one at her apartment. Just one thing, though Raul. We gotta make sure Pete doesn't see you."

Hank nods. "Hell yes."

Elan nods at this. "Well, I don't think Pete is gonna be coming up to see Sally anytime."

Raul Arcadio cocks a sardonic eyebrow. "Why not? He'd think I went to the Weaver or become a Walker -- no offense, Bailey -- ?

Hank nods to Raul. "Jimmy's challenge, remember?"

Bailey chuckles at the transformed Piddles. "None taken. but this'll sink Jimmy's Challenge, if Pete gets an eyeful of you."

Elan says "Um, yeah. So...we gonna go?"

Raul Arcadio shakes his head. "We could always say that Jimmy hadn't had a chance to persuade me yet... or he didn't know I was doing this, and thought I was inviolate, so he didn't try." He grins at Elan. "Let's go!"

Bailey grins as well. "Yeah," he chuckles. "Who knows," he says, grin widening, "maybe Sally'll have chocolate."

Hank grins.

Elan blushes a bit.

Raul Arcadio raises both eyebrows. "You intrigue me," he comments, rolling his 'r's just a little.

Elan waves. "Come on, then." He trots out the door.

Bailey adjusts his T-shirt, fiddling with the collar a little more than normal. "Sure. This is gonna be some party."

Sally's Apartment
Though not actually located on campus, the decor of this small apartment screams 'dorm room'. At one side of the room stands a futon with its back down, a few random items of clothing resting upon it. Across the room is what's either a small entertainment center or a funky dresser, the contents of one of the half-opened drawers suggesting the latter, although there is a television on top of it. An alcove to a kitchenette occupies the third wall, and the door to what is probably the bathroom shares the wall with the door leading back outside.
While not exactly messy, the place does have plenty of personality. Album covers and tee-shirts from concerts are tacked in seeming haphazard fashion to the walls, and a row of different colored glass bottles from beer and harder drinks are lined up across the sill of the room's single window, sending an aray of colored patches of light onto the walls when the sun is at the right angle. A rug of a rather deep shade of purple covers most of the visible floor, adding its own skew to the image the apartment presents.
Sally MacKay

Salem lifts his chin a bit, and then, deliberately, fixes his eyes on Sarah's again, locking on. "Maybe," he says again. He and Sarah are out in the hall, Salem with his arms folded across his chest.

Sarah tucks her arms across her chest, in response. Her eyebrows again lift, marginally.

Bailey leads his packmates up the landing to Sally's place. He blinks at the sight of Salem and Sarah. "Hi." he says, and smiles a little. "Found a few friends who wanted to come. Party still going on?"

Salem's face twitches in abrupt anger, and he jerks his eyes away from Sarah and toward the arriving Sons of Dog. The Ronin scowls blackly and then turns to head back into Sally's apartment.

Hank arches an eyebrow, looking curious.

Elan pads up the stairs behind Bailey, leveling a steady gaze on Salem, then cocking his head in curiousity at Sarah.

Sally MacKay is sitting where they left her, on the futon. There are empty bottles around her half of the couch, as well as where someone else was sitting next to her. On the floor is one last untouched beer and an opened box of (cold) pizza.

Raul Arcadio moves with a smooth, powerful grace behind his packmates, watching the ronin and his former conversation-mate with interest.

Sarah calls, "Salem! Not through, are we?" She looks over at Cavall, though she doesn't greet them.

Bailey heads towards the door quickly, and flashes another smile to Sarah. he turns back to the others. "Guys, this is Sarah. Sarah, these are some friends of mine."

Elan gives Sarah a little smile. "Heya. I'm Elan."

Hank nods to Sarah. "Hi. I'm Hank." He smiles.

Raul Arcadio smiles at Sarah, white teeth flashing. "Raul," he purrs in a low, rolling Spanish basso.

Salem stops with his hand on the doorknob. Then, slowly, he turns around again, face tight with a smile that is definitely not friendly; a small muscle twitches near his right eye. "/Are/ we through?"

Sarah nods to the gentlemen, one for each. Her words are saved for Salem, though. "No. We're not. Not yet." Then she looks at Bailey. "G'wan in. Mustang's inside."

Salem's jaw clenches, the anger coming off him in waves despite the thin moon, rage ebbing far too close to the surface. He folds his arms across his chest again and waits, teeth gritted.

Bailey gives a tight nod to the Uktena, and moves past Salem to open the door to the apartment, a little too quickly, mind. he enters Sally's pad, and looks around.

Elan walks in past Salem, not even really seeming to notice the man. He glances in, looking for Sally.

Sally MacKay is sitting on the futon, casting half-troubled, half-curious glances towards the door. There are empty bottles around her half of the couch, as well as where someone else was sitting next to her. On the floor is one last untouched beer and an opened box of (cold) pizza. "Hey," she smiles as the group enters, jumping up off the couch.

Raul Arcadio moves past, nodding respectfully at the Rageful ronin.

Hank edges around Salem, and moves inside. He nods to Sally, smiling. "Hiya."

Salem casts not a flicker of a glance to the members of Cavall, his attention divided between controlling his anger and the source of it.

Bailey smiles at the Kinfolk. "Hey, told you I'd catch up," he says lightly. He makes a beeline for the pizza, and smiles a little wider as he realizes it's cold. His eyes, however, keep glancing towards the still-open door.

Sarah leaves and can be heard going down the metal stairs to the street below.

Salem leaves and can be heard going down the metal stairs to the street below.

Sally MacKay places her beer down and heads for the kitchen. "You guys want something to drink?"

Elan knocks a bit on the door frame when he comes in, waving to Sally. "Coke?"

Raul Arcadio looks after the departing pair, but turns a charming smile on Sally. "Drink would be marvelous, yes. It looks like we showed up just in time to resuscitate your party."

Sally MacKay's eyebrows lift as she checks out Raul, distracted for a moment from the going-ons outside the door. "Beer or Coke?" she smiles at him as she asks, resuming her trip into the kitchen.

Bailey munches down on a slice of pizza, and manages to mumble the word "Beer," around chews.
Hank umms. "Coke please." he moves in on the pizza to snag himself a slice.

Raul Arcadio stands with one hand on his hip, sweeping back the blazer casually. "Coke, please," he says, flashing bright, perfect teeth.

Sally MacKay vanishes into the kitchen, and when she returns she has a plastic bottle of Coke tucked under one arm, as many glasses as she has fingers in that hand, and a six-pack of beer in the other.

Bailey gets up, and helps Sally with the glasses, holding them as she fills each.

Elan flops down on the floor by the couch, and waits for the Coke. "So, how's tonight been?"

Sally MacKay sets down the six-pack by the remaining full can, then rises back up to pour. "Uh, okay." Her eyes cut back towards the door, "Was everything okay out there?"

Bailey hands out the glasses to everyone, then goes back to his space by the pizza box, and pops a beer. he leans back, taking a sip every now and again.

"It looked as though they had, perhaps, had an argument," Raul says, retrieving a piece of pizza and waiting for Coke.

Hank nods, taking a bite from his own slice.

Sally MacKay nods slowly, and though she's smiling, there's a tensness to her expression. Stepping over the semi-circle of empties, she retakes her place on the futon and her beer waiting there for her.

Elan nods at this news. "Looked fine to me." He snags somem cold pizza and makes it disappear. "You OK?"

Sally MacKay lifts her can to Elan, "You know it." Judging from the five or six empty cans around her, she's probably /feeling/ okay, too.

Raul Arcadio munches politely on his pizza slice and drinks Coke. "So, have those two been your only company this evening, pretty lady?"

Sally MacKay nods and drinks, then answers, "Yep, ran into them on my way outta work." Cocking her head, she looks him over again. "I've seen you around, but I don't remember your name."

Raul Arcadio bows deeply, managing not to spill his drink. "Raul. Though you might remember 'Pid' better."

Sally MacKay oh yeahs. "Pids, right. Sally, or Mustang, either's cool," she offers her own name, just in case.

Raul Arcadio smiles again. "I could never forget the name of such a striking young woman."

Sally MacKay's smile warms and she waves invitingly to the empty place next to her on the futon, if he's willing to vault over the empty bottles and cans on that sode to reach it, that is. "Thanks. You're friends with Elan and them, right?"

Hank grins, staying off to the side, out of the way....concentrating on his pizza.

Raul Arcadio vaults the debris obligingly with a casual ease of a powerful body. "Yes," he acknowledges, taking the offered seat. "We spend a great deal of time together... very good friends."

Sally MacKay smiles and nods. "Cool." After one last look towards the door, the blonde shifts on the futon so she's more fully facing him as they chat.

Back to home.